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Why email marketing (still) works

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

There's a reason why big companies invest HUGE money into the safe collection, storage and management of data. Customer insight is everything to a marketer. Data collection is what ad agency guys of the 1950's dreamt about.

Data enables the understanding if your customer's behaviour, their interests and demographics. Get an email opt-in and you can directly reach them too. Straight to their inbox, algorithm free.

Sure, you're at the mercy of Outlook's junk filter and Gmail's promotions tab. But if you meet best practice guidelines, your email is sure to land in the inbox of 95% of your subscribers. Compare that to your social media post being served to only a fraction of your followers... In my opinion, email is still king.

I hate spam. Like you, I unsubscribe from lists almost on the daily. But there are a few brands I can't bare to unsubscribe from for fear of missing out.

Email is a hugely effective channel for so many of my small business clients. But it's because I take care of their lists.

Firstly, I attract sign ups with real benefits and rewards. Rewards like email exclusive news, auto entry into giveaways or prize draws and random surprises. Lead your email marketing strategy with what's in it for them.

Secondly, I nurture the relationship. I safe guard a low send volume to avoid sign ups feeling bombarded with sales messages. I only send emails that are genuinely interesting. I keep call to actions clear.

Email is an effective marketing tool at relationship building. When used as a way to inspire your audience. And healthy open rates and click through rates are a sign that you're sending content your audience loves.

A very wise CRM Consultant I once worked with inspired me with the following statement. He said "Just keep sending our list content they love; content they open, content they click. Because eventually, they will buy something"

I consider that with every email I send, for every client. It's about the long game. It's about relationship. It's about emails that feels good. Stay true to that strategy and email will become a significant marketing tool for you business.

Michelle Crowe established The Narrative Marketing Agency in January 2020 with 10+ years retail marketing experience. Sharing her expertise and skills with small businesses in her local community, The Narrative Marketing Agency helps small businesses in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire thrive. Discover just a few client examples here.


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