Monthly Coworker Meets are looking a little different in 2023.
We're still meeting monthly, rotating between the Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire towns of Hitchin, Ampthill & Biggleswade.
We're also still welcoming freelancers, small biz owners & hustlers looking for community & to meet like minded folk.
But for 2023 we're making things even more relaxed & informal. Helping us to really get to know each other.
We’re just a bunch of mates grabbing a coffee really…
Pop the following dates in your diary & drop me an email if you’re hoping to come along:
Thursday 2nd February, in Hitchin Meet us for a coffee at The Hermitage Coffee & Bagel Bar 11am to 1pm
Friday 10th March near, Ampthil Meet us for a spot of lunch at The George, Maulden 12pm to 2pm Thursday 13th April, in Biggleswade Meet us for a coffee at Jones’ Cafe Bar 11am to 1pm
Project Coworkers is was established in July 2021 by The Narrative Marketing Agency, with the aim of creating a community for Bedfordshire & Hertfordshire based freelancers & small business owners.